速報APP / 生活品味 / Dream See

Dream See





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本




Dream See(圖1)-速報App

Have you ever been affected by your dreams for days? Sometimes bad dreams you see affect your life in a negative way. Dreams are a reflection of memories and moments of consciousness and unconsciousness. In sleep, when our brain goes in sleep, we live the dream. The dreams that we see come from the subconscious mind and settle in our consciousness, which affects us in a good or bad way

Sometimes we are happy when we see someone that we love and have not seen for a long time.

Or we will be unhappy when we see this person in a bad dream. Dreams were never under our control before this application

Dream See(圖2)-速報App

Think about it, you can control your dreams. You can see the dream you want. This control will make you happy in your dreams and will make you happy in your real life.

You know that happiness and positive is the best way to succeed. We are sure that you are bored during the day and you don't want to do anything. You didn’t know the cause of this situation. The reason is that the subconscious affects you negatively because of the bad dreams you see.

Everyone lying on the bed doesn't necessarily have a dream, but you will definitely dream. You will now be able to control your dreams that will affect your life and you will become stronger.

Dream See(圖3)-速報App

If you do all the steps correctly, 99% you will be able to see the dream you want

If you're ready, let's get started. Feel the power to control your dreams and your real life!


Dream See(圖4)-速報App

interpretation of Dreams



Dream See(圖5)-速報App




Dream See(圖6)-速報App

Astral travel


Dream See(圖7)-速報App